pyoints.examples package¶
- pyoints.examples.file_examples package
- Submodules
- pyoints.examples.file_examples.csv_example module
- pyoints.examples.file_examples.dump_example module
- pyoints.examples.file_examples.las_example module
- pyoints.examples.file_examples.ply_example module
- pyoints.examples.file_examples.raster_example module
- pyoints.examples.file_examples.structured_example module
- Module contents
pyoints.examples.base_example module¶
In this example we learn the basics of point cloud processing using Pyoints.
We begin with loading the required modules.
>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyoints import (
... storage,
... transformation,
... IndexKD,
... )
>>> from pyoints.misc import print_rounded
Then we define input and output paths.
>>> inpath = os.path.join(
... os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'data')
>>> outpath = os.path.join(
... os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'output')
We select an input LAS point cloud.
>>> infile = os.path.join(inpath, 'forest.las')
>>> lasReader = storage.LasReader(infile)
We get the origin of the point cloud.
>>> print_rounded(lasReader.t.origin, 2)
[ 364187.98 5509577.71 -1.58]
>>> print(
Then, we get the projection of the point cloud…
>>> print(lasReader.proj.proj4)
+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs
… and the number of points.
>>> print(len(lasReader))
We get the spatial extent in 3D.
>>> print_rounded(lasReader.extent, 2)
[ 364187.98 5509577.71 -1.58 364194.95 5509584.71 28.78]
Now, we load the point cloud data from the disc. We receive an instance of GeoRecords, which is an extension of a numpy record array.
>>> las = lasReader.load()
>>> print(las.shape)
>>> print(
We get some information on the attributes of the points…
>>> print(sorted(las.dtype.descr))
[('classification', '|u1'), ('coords', '<f8', (3,)), ('intensity', '|u1')]
>>> print_rounded(las[0:10].intensity)
[216 213 214 199 214 183 198 209 200 199]
>>> print_rounded(np.unique(las.classification))
[2 5]
… and take a look at the extent in 2D and 3D.
>>> print_rounded(las.extent(2), 2)
[ 364187.98 5509577.71 364194.95 5509584.71]
>>> print_rounded(las.extent(3), 2)
[ 364187.98 5509577.71 -1.58 364194.95 5509584.71 28.78]
Now we take a closer look at the spatial index. We begin with selecting all points close to the corners of the point cloud’s extent.
>>> radius = 1.0
>>> corners = las.extent().corners
>>> print_rounded(corners, 1)
[[ 364188. 5509577.7 -1.6]
[ 364194.9 5509577.7 -1.6]
[ 364194.9 5509584.7 -1.6]
[ 364194.9 5509584.7 28.8]
[ 364194.9 5509577.7 28.8]
[ 364188. 5509577.7 28.8]]
But before we select the points, we count the number of neighbors within the radius.
>>> count = las.indexKD().ball_count(radius, coords=corners)
>>> print_rounded(count)
[2502 1984 4027 475 0 0 0 0]
OK, now we actually select the points.
>>> n_ids = las.indexKD().ball(corners, radius)
>>> print(len(n_ids))
For each point we receive a list of indices. So we concatenate them to save the resulting subset as a point cloud.
>>> n_ids = np.concatenate(n_ids).astype(int)
>>> print(len(n_ids))
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'base_ball.las')
>>> storage.writeLas(las[n_ids], outfile)
We can also select the k nearest neighbors.
>>> dists, n_ids = las.indexKD().knn(corners, k=2)
We receive a matrix of distances and a matrix of indices.
>>> print_rounded(dists, 2)
[[ 0.3 0.3 ]
[ 0.02 0.04]
[ 0.49 0.49]
[ 0.62 0.62]
[ 3.95 3.97]
[ 5.71 5.73]
[ 1.26 1.27]
[ 1.65 1.66]]
>>> print_rounded(n_ids)
[[ 6 16742]
[ 92767 92763]
[320695 321128]
[206255 206239]
[440696 440687]
[400070 400050]
[400369 400340]
[365239 365240]]
Again, we save the resulting subset.
>>> n_ids = n_ids.flatten()
>>> len(n_ids)
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'base_knn.las')
>>> storage.writeLas(las[n_ids], outfile)
If we need to select points in the shape of an ellipsoid, we can also create a scaled spatial index. Doing so, each coordinate axis is scaled individually.
>>> T = transformation.s_matrix([1.5, 0.9, 0.5])
>>> indexKD = IndexKD(las.coords, T=T)
Again, we select neighboring points using the ball query. But here, we need to scale the input coordinates beforehand.
>>> s_corners = T.to_local(corners)
>>> print_rounded(s_corners, 1)
[[ 546282. 4958619.9 -0.8]
[ 546292.4 4958619.9 -0.8]
[ 546292.4 4958626.2 -0.8]
[ 546292.4 4958626.2 14.4]
[ 546292.4 4958619.9 14.4]
[ 546282. 4958619.9 14.4]]
Finally, we apply the query and save the subset.
>>> n_ids = indexKD.ball(s_corners, radius)
>>> n_ids = np.concatenate(n_ids).astype(int)
>>> print(len(n_ids))
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'base_ellipsoid.las')
>>> storage.writeLas(las[n_ids], outfile)
pyoints.examples.grid_example module¶
In this example we load a point cloud and convert it to rasters and voxels.
>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyoints import (
... storage,
... projection,
... transformation,
... grid,
... Grid,
... filters,
... Surface,
... )
>>> from pyoints.misc import print_rounded
First, we define input and output paths.
>>> inpath = os.path.join(
... os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'data')
>>> outpath = os.path.join(
... os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'output')
Then, we select an input LAS point cloud.
>>> infile = os.path.join(inpath, 'forest.las')
>>> lasReader = storage.LasReader(infile)
>>> las = lasReader.load()
Now, let’s convert the point cloud to a raster. All points within a raster cell are grouped to an individual point cloud.
>>> T = transformation.matrix(t=las.t.origin[:2], s=[1.0, 2.0])
>>> raster = grid.voxelize(las, T)
Let’s inspect the properties of the raster.
>>> print(raster.shape)
(4, 7)
>>> print(raster.dtype)
>>> print(len(raster[0, 0]))
>>> print(sorted(raster[0, 0].dtype.descr))
[('classification', '|u1'), ('coords', '<f8', (3,)), ('intensity', '|u1')]
>>> print(sorted(raster[0, 0].dtype.names))
['classification', 'coords', 'intensity']
>>> print(raster[0, 0].dtype.type)
<class 'numpy.record'>
>>> print(raster[0, 0].dtype.flags)
>>> print(raster[0, 0].dtype.str)
We can save the points of specific cells individually.
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'grid_cell.las')
>>> storage.writeLas(raster[2, 1], outfile)
We create a new raster, aggregating the point cloud data in a more specific manner.
>>> T = transformation.matrix(t=las.t.origin[:2], s=[0.3, 0.3])
>>> def aggregate_function(ids):
... z = las.coords[ids, 2]
... n = len(ids)
... z_min = z.min() if n > 0 else 0
... z_mean = z.mean() if n > 0 else 0
... z_max = z.max() if n > 0 else 0
... return (n, [z_min, z_mean, z_max])
>>> dtype=[('cell_count', int), ('z', float, 3)]
>>> raster = grid.voxelize(las, T, agg_func=aggregate_function, dtype=dtype)
>>> raster = Grid(las.proj, raster, T)
>>> print(raster.shape)
(24, 24)
>>> print(sorted(raster.dtype.names))
['cell_count', 'coords', 'z']
We save the fields as individual raster images.
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'grid_count.tif')
>>> storage.writeRaster(raster, outfile, field='cell_count')
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'grid_z.tif')
>>> storage.writeRaster(raster, outfile, field='z')
Test, if the projection has been set.
>>> handler = storage.RasterReader(outfile)
>>> raster.proj.wkt == handler.proj.wkt
Now, let’s create a three dimensional voxel space.
>>> T = transformation.matrix(t=las.t.origin, s=[0.4, 0.4, 0.5])
>>> def aggregate_function(ids):
... intensity = las.intensity[ids]
... n = len(ids)
... intensity = intensity.mean() if n > 0 else 0
... return (n, intensity)
>>> dtype=[('cell_count', int), ('intensity', int)]
>>> voxels = grid.voxelize(las, T, agg_func=aggregate_function, dtype=dtype)
>>> voxels = Grid(las.proj, voxels, T)
>>> print_rounded(voxels.shape)
(61, 18, 18)
>>> print(sorted(voxels.dtype.names))
['cell_count', 'coords', 'intensity']
Finally, we save only the non-empty voxel cells.
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'grid_voxels.las')
>>> storage.writeLas(voxels[voxels.cell_count > 0], outfile)
pyoints.examples.stemfilter_example module¶
In this example, we try to detect stems in a forest using a point cloud of terrestrial laser scans. A couple of .las-files will be generated, which should be inspected with software like CloudCompare.
Let’s begin with loading the required modules.
>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyoints.interpolate import KnnInterpolator
>>> from pyoints import (
... storage,
... grid,
... transformation,
... filters,
... clustering,
... classification,
... vector,
... GeoRecords,
... interpolate,
... )
>>> from pyoints.misc import print_rounded
First, we define an input and an output path.
>>> inpath = os.path.join(
... os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'data')
>>> outpath = os.path.join(
... os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'output')
Thereafter, we load an input LAS point cloud.
>>> infile = os.path.join(inpath, 'forest.las')
>>> lasReader = storage.LasReader(infile)
>>> las = lasReader.load()
>>> print(len(las))
The basic idea of the algorithm is to first derive a digital elevation model to calculate the height above ground. We simply rasterize the point cloud by deriving the lowest z-coordinate of each cell.
>>> T = transformation.matrix(t=las.t.origin[:2], s=[0.8, 0.8])
>>> def aggregate_function(ids):
... return las.coords[ids, 2].min() if len(ids) > 0 else np.nan
>>> dtype = [('z', float)]
>>> dem_grid = grid.voxelize(las, T, agg_func=aggregate_function, dtype=dtype)
>>> print_rounded(dem_grid.shape)
(9, 9)
We save the DEM as a .tif-image.
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'stemfilter_dem.tif')
>>> storage.writeRaster(dem_grid, outfile, field='z')
We create a surface interpolator.
>>> dem = KnnInterpolator(dem_grid.records().coords, dem_grid.records().z)
For the stem detection, we will focus on points with height above ground greater 0.5 m.
>>> height = las.coords[:, 2] - dem(las.coords)
>>> s_ids = np.where(height > 0.5)[0]
>>> print(len(s_ids))
We filter the point cloud using a small filter radius. Only a subset of points with a point distance of at least 10 cm is kept.
>>> f_ids = list(filters.ball(las.indexKD(), 0.1, order=s_ids))
>>> las = las[f_ids]
>>> print(len(las))
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'stemfilter_ball_10.las')
>>> storage.writeLas(las, outfile)
We only keep points with a lot of neighbors to reduce noise.
>>> count = las.indexKD().ball_count(0.3)
>>> mask = count > 10
>>> las = las[mask]
>>> print(len(las))
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'stemfilter_denoised.las')
>>> storage.writeLas(las, outfile)
Now, we will filter with a radius of 1 m. This results in a point cloud with point distances of at least 1 m. Here, points associated with stems are arranged in straight lines.
>>> f_ids = list(filters.ball(las.indexKD(), 1.0))
>>> las = las[f_ids]
>>> print(len(las))
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'stemfilter_ball_100.las')
>>> storage.writeLas(las, outfile)
For dense point clouds, the filtering technique results in point distances between 1 m and 2 m. Thus, we can assume that linear arranged points should have 2 to 3 neighboring points within a radius of 1.5 m.
>>> count = las.indexKD().ball_count(1.5)
>>> mask = np.all((count >= 2, count <= 3), axis=0)
>>> las = las[mask]
>>> print(len(las))
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'stemfilter_linear.las')
>>> storage.writeLas(las, outfile)
Now, the stems are clearly visible in the point cloud. Thus, we can detect the stems by clustering the points.
>>> cluster_indices = clustering.dbscan(las.indexKD(), 2, epsilon=1.5)
>>> print(len(cluster_indices))
>>> print_rounded(np.unique(cluster_indices))
[-1 0 1 2 3 4 5]
In the next step, we remove small clusters and unassigned points.
>>> cluster_dict = classification.classes_to_dict(cluster_indices, min_size=5)
>>> cluster_indices = classification.dict_to_classes(cluster_dict, len(las))
>>> print_rounded(sorted(cluster_dict.keys()))
[0 1 3 5]
We add an additional field to the point cloud to store the tree number.
>>> las = las.add_fields([('tree_id', int)], data=[cluster_indices])
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'stemfilter_stems.las')
>>> storage.writeLas(las, outfile)
Now, we can fit a vector to each stem. You should take a close look at the characteristics of the Vector object.
>>> stems = {}
>>> for tree_id in cluster_dict:
... coords = las[cluster_dict[tree_id]].coords
... stem = vector.Vector.from_coords(coords)
... stems[tree_id] = stem
Finally, we determinate the tree root coordinates using the previously derived digital elevation model.
>>> roots = []
>>> for tree_id in stems:
... stem = stems[tree_id]
... coord = vector.vector_surface_intersection(stem, dem)
... roots.append((tree_id, coord))
>>> dtype = [('tree_id', int), ('coords', float, 3)]
>>> roots = np.array(roots, dtype=dtype).view(np.recarray)
>>> roots = GeoRecords(las.proj, roots)
>>> outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'stemfilter_roots.las')
>>> storage.writeLas(roots, outfile)
Module contents¶
Learn how to use Pyoints as a powerful tool.