Source code for

# This file is part of Pyoints.
# Copyright (c) 2018, Sebastian Lamprecht, Trier University,
# Pyoints is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
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"""Handling of .las-files.

import os
import sys
import numpy as np

import laspy
    # use liblas to provide full spatial reference support (workaround)
    import liblas
except ImportError:

from ..extent import Extent
from ..georecords import (
from .. import (

from .BaseGeoHandler import GeoFile
from .dtype_converters import numpy_to_laspy_dtype

SUPPORTED_FORMATS = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

[docs]class LasReader(GeoFile): """Class to read .las-files. Parameters ---------- infile : String Las file to be read. proj : optional, Proj Spatial reference system. Usually provided only, if the spatial reference of the file has not be set yet. See Also -------- GeoFile """ def __init__(self, infile, proj=None): GeoFile.__init__(self, infile) lasFile = laspy.file.File(self.file, mode='r') # try to read projection from file if proj is None: if 'liblas' in sys.modules: reader = liblas.file.File(self.file, mode='r') wkt = reader.header.srs.get_wkt().decode('utf-8') if not wkt == '': proj = projection.Proj.from_wkt(wkt) reader.close() else: for vlr in lasFile.header.vlrs: if vlr.record_id == 2112: # Spatial reference in well known text format wkt = str(vlr.VLR_body.decode('utf-8')) proj = projection.Proj.from_wkt(wkt) elif vlr.record_id == 34735: # GeoTIFF GeoKeyDirectoryTag # not supported yet pass elif vlr.record_id == 34736: # GeoTIFF GeoDoubleParamsTag # not supported yet pass elif vlr.record_id == 34737: # GeoTIFF GeoAsciiParamsTag # not supported yet pass self.proj = proj = self.t = transformation.t_matrix(lasFile.header.offset) self._extent = Extent((lasFile.header.min, lasFile.header.max)) self._count = int(lasFile.header.point_records_count) lasFile.close() del lasFile def __len__(self): return self._count @property def extent(self): return self._extent @property def corners(self): return Extent(self.extent[[0, 1, 3, 4]]).corners
[docs] def load(self, extent=None): lasFile = laspy.file.File(self.file, mode='r') # check point formats if lasFile.header.data_format_id not in SUPPORTED_FORMATS: m = "Only point formats %s supported yet, got %" raise ValueError( m % (SUPPORTED_FORMATS, lasFile.header.data_format_id)) date = scale = np.array(lasFile.header.scale, dtype=np.float64) offset = np.array(lasFile.header.offset, dtype=np.float64) las_fields = [ str( for dim in lasFile.point_format ] # ugly workaround to get actual strings points = lasFile.points['point'].copy().view(np.recarray) # Close File lasFile.close() del lasFile # filter by extent (before scaling) if extent is not None: ext = Extent(extent) if ext.dim == 2: ecoords = np.vstack([points.X, points.Y]) else: ecoords = np.vstack([points.X, points.Y, points.Z]) iext = Extent([ (ext.min_corner - offset[:ext.dim]) / scale[:ext.dim], (ext.max_corner - offset[:ext.dim]) / scale[:ext.dim] ]) sids = iext.intersection(ecoords.T) points = points[sids] # much faster than accessing lasFile.x coords = np.empty((len(points), 3), dtype=np.float64) coords[:, 0] = points.X * scale[0] + offset[0] coords[:, 1] = points.Y * scale[1] + offset[1] coords[:, 2] = points.Z * scale[2] + offset[2] # grep data omit = ['X', 'Y', 'Z'] dtypes = [] dataDict = {'coords': coords} for name in las_fields: if name == 'flag_byte': values = points.flag_byte if np.any(values): dataDict['return_num'] = values % 8 # bits 0, 1, 2 values = values // 8 if np.any(values): dataDict['num_returns'] = values % 8 # bits 3, 4, 5 values = values // 8 if np.any(values): dataDict['scan_direction_flag'] = values % 2 # bit 6 values = values // 2 if np.any(values): dataDict['edge_of_flight_line'] = values # bit 7 elif name == 'raw_classification': values = points.raw_classification if np.any(values): dataDict['classification'] = values % 32 # bits 0 to 4 values = values // 32 if np.any(values): dataDict['synthetic'] = values % 2 # bit 5 values = values // 2 if np.any(values): dataDict['keypoint'] = values % 2 # bit 6 values = values // 2 if np.any(values): dataDict['withheld'] = values # bit 7 elif name not in omit: values = points[name] if np.any(values): dataDict[name] = values # collect dtypes available_dtypes = LasRecords.available_fields() for name in dataDict.keys(): for descr in available_dtypes: if descr[0] == name: dtypes.append(descr) # create recarray data = nptools.recarray(dataDict, dtype=dtypes) if len(points) == 0: t = np.eye(4) else: t = transformation.t_matrix(offset) return LasRecords(self.proj, data, T=t, date=date)
[docs]def writeLas(geoRecords, outfile, point_format=3): """ Write a LAS file to disc. Parameters ---------- geoRecords : GeoRecords Points to store to disk. outfile : String Desired output file. point_format : optional, positive int Desired LAS point format. See LAS specification for details. """ # validate input if not isinstance(geoRecords, GeoRecords): raise TypeError("'geoRecords' needs to be of type 'GeoRecords'") if not os.access(os.path.dirname(outfile), os.W_OK): raise IOError('File %s is not writable' % outfile) if point_format not in SUPPORTED_FORMATS: raise ValueError("'point_format' %s not supported" % str(point_format)) records = geoRecords.records() # Create file header header = laspy.header.Header(file_version=1.3, point_format=point_format) header.file_sig = 'LASF' # Open file in write mode lasFile = laspy.file.File(outfile, mode='w', header=header) # create VLR records vlrs = [] if 'liblas' in sys.modules: # use liblas to create spatial reference srs = liblas.srs.SRS() srs.set_wkt(str.encode(geoRecords.proj.wkt)) for i in range(srs.vlr_count()): vlr = laspy.header.VLR( user_id="LASF_Projection", record_id=srs.GetVLR(i).recordid, VLR_body=srs.GetVLR(i).data, description="OGC Coordinate System GeoTIFF" ) vlr.parse_data() vlrs.append(vlr) else: # create wkt record only vlr = laspy.header.VLR( user_id="LASF_Projection", record_id=2112, VLR_body=str.encode(geoRecords.proj.wkt), description="OGC Coordinate System WKT" ) vlrs.append(vlr) # set VLRs lasFile.header.set_vlrs(vlrs) if point_format > 5: lasFile.header.wkt = 1 dim = min(geoRecords.dim, 3) # find optimal offset and scale scale to achieve highest precision offset = np.zeros(3) scale = np.ones(3) offset[:dim] = geoRecords.t.origin max_values = np.abs(records.extent().corners - offset[:dim]).max(0) max_digits = 2**28 # long int scale[:dim] = max_values / max_digits scale[np.isclose(scale, 0)] = 1 / max_digits if is not None: = lasFile.header.scale = scale.copy() lasFile.header.offset = offset.copy() # get fields las_fields = [ for field in lasFile.point_format] field_names = records.dtype.names # Fields to omit omit = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'flag_byte', 'raw_classification'] omit.extend(las_fields) omit.extend(np.dtype(LasRecords.CUSTOM_FIELDS).names) # create user defined fields for name in field_names: if name not in omit: dtype = records.dtype[name] type_id = numpy_to_laspy_dtype(dtype) if type_id is None: omit.append(name) else: lasFile.define_new_dimension(name, type_id, '') # initialize flag_byte = np.zeros(len(records), dtype=np.uint) raw_classification = np.zeros(len(records), dtype=np.uint8) # set fields for name in field_names: if name == 'coords': lasFile.set_x_scaled(records.coords[:, 0]) lasFile.set_y_scaled(records.coords[:, 1]) if records.dim > 2: lasFile.set_z_scaled(records.coords[:, 2]) elif name == 'classification': # bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 raw_classification += records.classification elif name == 'synthetic': # bit 5 raw_classification += records.synthetic.astype(np.uint8) * 32 elif name == 'keypoint': # bit 6 raw_classification += records.keypoint.astype(np.uint8) * 64 elif name == 'withheld': # bit 7 raw_classification += records.withheld.astype(np.uint8) * 128 elif name == 'return_num': # bits 0, 1, 2 flag_byte += records.return_num elif name == 'num_returns': # bits 3, 4, 5 flag_byte += records.num_returns * 8 elif name == 'scan_direction_flag': # bit 6 flag_byte += records.scan_direction_flag.astype(np.uint8) * 64 elif name == 'edge_of_flight_line': # bit 7 flag_byte += records.edge_of_flight_line.astype(np.uint8) * 128 elif name in las_fields or name not in omit: if np.any(records[name]): #lasFile[name] = records[name] lasFile._writer.set_dimension(name, records[name]) if np.any(flag_byte): lasFile.set_flag_byte(flag_byte) if np.any(raw_classification): lasFile.set_raw_classification(raw_classification) # close file lasFile.header.update_min_max() lasFile.close() del lasFile
def _updateLasHeader(las_file, offset=None, translate=None, precision=None): # experimental lasFile = laspy.file.File(las_file, mode='rw') if precision is not None: precision = assertion.ensure_numvector(precision) if not len(precision) == 3: raise ValueError('"precision" has to have a length of 3') scale = np.repeat(10.0, 3)**-np.array(precision) lasFile.header.scale = scale if offset is not None: offset = assertion.ensure_numvector(offset) if not len(offset) == 3: raise ValueError('"offset" has to have a length of 3') lasFile.header.offset = offset if translate is not None: translate = assertion.ensure_numvector(translate) if not len(translate) == 3: raise ValueError('"translate" has to have a length of 3') lasFile.header.offset = lasFile.header.offset + translate lasFile.header.update_min_max() lasFile.close() del lasFile def _createTypeTestLas(outfile): # experimental # Create file header header = laspy.header.Header() header.file_sig = 'LASF' header.format = 1.2 header.data_format_id = 3 # Open file in write mode lasFile = laspy.file.File(outfile, mode='w', header=header) lasFile.header.scale = [1, 1, 1] lasFile.header.offset = [0, 0, 0] names = [] for type_id in range(1, 31): name = 'field_%i' % type_id if type_id not in [8, 18, 28]: lasFile.define_new_dimension(name, type_id, '') names.append(name) k = 10 lasFile.x = np.random.rand(k) lasFile.y = np.random.rand(k) lasFile.z = np.random.rand(k) lasFile.header.update_min_max() lasFile.close() del lasFile