Source code for pyoints.registration.icp

# This file is part of Pyoints.
# Copyright (c) 2018, Sebastian Lamprecht, Trier University,
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"""Implementation of the Iterative Closest Point Algorithm.

import numpy as np
from numbers import Number

from . import rototranslations
from .. import (
from ..misc import print_rounded

[docs]class ICP: """Implementation of a variant of the Iterative Closest Point algorithm [1] with support of multiple point sets and point normals. Parameters ---------- radii : array_like(Number, shape=(s)) Maximum distances in each coordinate dimension to assign corresponding points of `k` dimensions. The length of `radii` is equal to `2 * k`. If point normals shall also be used to find point pairs, the length of `radii` is `k`. assign_class : optional, callable class Class which assigns pairs of points. max_iter : optional, positive int Maximum number of iterations. update_normals : bool Indicates whether or not to also transform the normals. \*\*assign_parameters Parameters passed to `assign_class`. Notes ----- A modified variant of the originally ICP algorithm presented by Besl and McKay (1992) [1]. Inspired by the Normal ICP algorithm of Serafin and Grisetti [2][3] a ICP variant the surface normals has been implemented. References ---------- [1] P.J. Besl and N.D. McKay (1992): "A Method for Registration of 3-D Shapes", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 14 (2): 239-256. [2] J. Serafin and G. Grisetti (2014): "Using augmented measurements to improve the convergence of icp", International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots. Springer, Cham: 566-577. [3] J. Serafin and G. Grisetti (2014): "NICP: Dense normal based point cloud registration", International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS): 742-749. Examples -------- Create corresponding point sets. >>> A = np.array([ ... (0.5, 0.5), (0, 0), (0, -0.1), (1.3, 1), (1, 0), (-1, -2) ... ]) >>> B = np.array([(0.4, 0.5), (0.3, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1), (-1, -2)]) Standard ICP. >>> coords_dict = {'A': A, 'B': B} >>> radii = (0.25, 0.25) >>> weights = {'A': [1, 1, 1]} >>> icp = ICP(radii, max_iter=10, k=1) >>> T, pairs, report = icp(coords_dict, weights=weights) >>> tA = T['A'].to_local(A) >>> tB = T['B'].to_local(B) >>> print_rounded(tA, 1) [[ 0.5 0.5] [ 0. 0. ] [ 0. -0.1] [ 1.3 1. ] [ 1. 0. ] [-1. -2. ]] >>> print_rounded(tB, 1) [[ 0.6 0.5] [ 0.4 0. ] [ 1.2 0.9] [ 2.2 0.9] [-1. -1.9]] Find matches and compare RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error). >>> matcher = assign.KnnMatcher(tA, radii) >>> pairs = matcher(tB) >>> rmse = distance.rmse(A[pairs[:, 0], :], B[pairs[:, 1], :]) >>> print_rounded(rmse, 2) 0.18 >>> rmse = distance.rmse(tA[pairs[:, 0], :], tB[pairs[:, 1], :]) >>> print_rounded(rmse, 2) 0.09 ICP also takes advantage of normals (NICP). >>> from pyoints.normals import fit_normals >>> normals_r = 1.5 >>> normals_dict = { ... 'A': fit_normals(A, normals_r), ... 'B': fit_normals(B, normals_r) ... } >>> radii = (0.25, 0.25, 0.3, 0.3) >>> nicp = ICP(radii, max_iter=10, k=1) >>> T, pairs, report = nicp(coords_dict, normals_dict=normals_dict) >>> tA = T['A'].to_local(A) >>> print_rounded(tA) [[ 0.5 0.5] [ 0. 0. ] [ 0. -0.1] [ 1.3 1. ] [ 1. 0. ] [-1. -2. ]] >>> tB = T['B'].to_local(B) >>> print_rounded(tB) [[ 0.4 0.5] [ 0.3 0. ] [ 1. 1. ] [ 2. 1. ] [-1. -2. ]] """ def __init__(self, radii, max_iter=50, max_change_ratio=0.001, assign_class=assign.KnnMatcher, update_normals=False, **assign_parameters): if not callable(assign_class): raise TypeError("'assign_class' must be a callable") if not (isinstance(max_iter, int) and max_iter >= 0): raise ValueError("'max_iter' must be an integer greater zero") if not isinstance(update_normals, bool): raise TypeError("'update_normals' must be boolean") if not (isinstance(max_change_ratio, Number) and max_change_ratio > 0): raise ValueError( "'max_change_ratio' must be a number greater zero") self._assign_class = assign_class self._radii = assertion.ensure_numvector(radii, min_length=2) self._max_iter = max_iter self._max_change_ratio = max_change_ratio self._update_normals = update_normals self._assign_parameters = assign_parameters def __call__( self, coords_dict, normals_dict={}, pairs_dict={}, T_dict={}, overlap_dict={}, weights=None): """Calls the ICP algorithm to align multiple point sets. Parameters ---------- coords_dict : dict of array_like(Number, shape=(n, k)) Dictionary of point sets with `k` dimensions. normals_dict : optional, dict of array_like(Number, shape=(n, k)) Dictionary of corresponding point normals. pairs_dict : optional, dict of array_like(int, shape=(m, 2)) Dictionary of point pairs. T_dict : optional, dict of array_like(int, shape=(k+1, k+1)) Dictionary of transformation matrices. If `pairs_dict` is provided, `T_dict` will be overwritten. overlap_dict : optional, dict of list(str) Dictionary specifying which point clouds overlap. weights : optional, array_like(Number) Weights passed to `find_rototranslations`. Returns ------- T_dict : dict of array_like(int, shape=(k+1, k+1)) Desired dictionary of transformation matrices. pairs_dict : dict of array_like(int, shape=(m, 2)) Desired dictionary of point pairs. report : dict Report to evaluate the quality of the results. See Also -------- find_rototranslations """ # validate input coords_dict, dim = _ensure_coords_dict(coords_dict) overlap_dict = _ensure_overlap_dict( coords_dict, overlap_dict) normals_dict = _ensure_normals_dict(normals_dict, coords_dict) T_dict = _ensure_T_dict(T_dict, coords_dict, pairs_dict, weights) # check radii if len(normals_dict) > 0: if not len(self._radii) == 2 * dim: m = "NICP requires %i radii, got %i" raise ValueError(m % (2 * dim, len(self._radii))) else: if not len(self._radii) == dim: m = "ICP requires %i radii, got %i" % (dim, len(self._radii)) raise ValueError(m % (2 * dim, len(self._radii))) max_change = distance.norm(self._radii[:dim]) * self._max_change_ratio # ICP algorithm report = {'RMSE': [], 'T': []} for num_iter in range(self._max_iter): # assign pairs pairs_dict = {} for keyA in overlap_dict: pairs_dict[keyA] = {} A = _get_nCoords( coords_dict, normals_dict, T_dict, keyA, self._update_normals ) matcher = self._assign_class(A, self._radii) for keyB in overlap_dict[keyA]: B = _get_nCoords( coords_dict, normals_dict, T_dict, keyB, self._update_normals ) pairs = matcher(B, **self._assign_parameters) if len(pairs) > 0: dists = distance.dist( A[pairs[:, 0], :dim], B[pairs[:, 1], :dim], ) w = distance.idw(dists, p=2) else: w = [] pairs_dict[keyA][keyB] = (pairs, w) # find roto-translation matrices T_dict_new = rototranslations.find_rototranslations( coords_dict, pairs_dict, weights=weights) # take a look at the residuals between before and after rmse = _get_change_rmse(coords_dict, T_dict, T_dict_new) # update report report['RMSE'].append(rmse) report['T'].append(T_dict_new) if rmse <= max_change: break T_dict = T_dict_new return T_dict, pairs_dict, report
def _get_change_rmse(coords_dict, T_dict_old, T_dict_new): rmse_dict = {} for key, coords in coords_dict.items(): coords_old = transformation.transform(coords, T_dict_old[key]) coords_new = transformation.transform(coords, T_dict_new[key]) rmse_dict[key] = distance.rmse(coords_new, coords_old) return np.max(list(rmse_dict.values())) def _get_nCoords(coords_dict, normals_dict, T_dict, key, update_normals): nCoords = coords_dict[key] T = T_dict[key] nCoords = transformation.transform(coords_dict[key], T) if len(normals_dict) > 0: if update_normals: R = transformation.r_matrix(transformation.decomposition(T)[1]) normals = transformation.transform(normals_dict[key], R) else: normals = normals_dict[key] nCoords = np.hstack((nCoords, normals)) return nCoords def _ensure_coords_dict(coords_dict): if not isinstance(coords_dict, dict): raise TypeError("'coords_dict' needs to be a dictionary") dim = None out_coords_dict = {} for key in coords_dict: if dim is None: out_coords_dict[key] = assertion.ensure_coords(coords_dict[key]) dim = out_coords_dict[key].shape[1] else: out_coords_dict[key] = assertion.ensure_coords( coords_dict[key], dim=dim) return out_coords_dict, dim def _ensure_overlap_dict(coords_dict, overlap_dict): if not isinstance(overlap_dict, dict): raise TypeError("'cloud_pairs_dict' needs to be a dictionary") out_dict = {} if len(overlap_dict) == 0: for keyA in coords_dict: out_dict[keyA] = [keyB for keyB in coords_dict if keyB is not keyA] else: # check dict for keyA in coords_dict: if keyA not in overlap_dict: raise ValueError("missing key") if not isinstance(overlap_dict[keyA], (list, tuple)): raise ValueError("tuple or list required") for keyB in overlap_dict[keyA]: if keyB not in coords_dict: raise ValueError("unknown key") out_dict[keyA] = overlap_dict[keyA] return out_dict def _ensure_normals_dict(normals_dict, coords_dict,): if not isinstance(normals_dict, dict): raise TypeError("'normals_dict' needs to be a dictionary") out_normals_dict = {} if len(normals_dict) > 0: for key in coords_dict: dim = coords_dict[key].shape[1] if key in normals_dict: out_normals_dict[key] = assertion.ensure_coords( normals_dict[key], dim=dim) else: raise ValueError("missing normals for '%s'" % key) return out_normals_dict def _ensure_T_dict(T_dict, coords_dict, pairs_dict, weights): if not isinstance(T_dict, dict): raise TypeError("'T_dict' needs to be a dictionary") if not isinstance(pairs_dict, dict): raise TypeError("'pairs_dict' needs to be a dictionary") out_T_dict = {} if len(T_dict) == 0 and len(pairs_dict) > 0: out_T_dict = rototranslations.find_rototranslations( coords_dict, pairs_dict, weights=weights) else: for key in coords_dict: if key in T_dict.keys(): out_T_dict[key] = assertion.ensure_tmatrix(T_dict[key]) else: dim = coords_dict[key].shape[1] out_T_dict[key] = transformation.i_matrix(dim) return out_T_dict