Source code for pyoints.indexkd

# This file is part of Pyoints.
# Copyright (c) 2018, Sebastian Lamprecht, Trier University,
# Pyoints is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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"""A generic spatial index.

import bisect
import numpy as np
from numbers import Number

from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
import rtree.index as r_treeIndex
from rtree import Rtree

from . import (

from .misc import print_rounded

[docs]class IndexKD(object): """Wrapper class for several spatial indices to speed up spatial queries and ease the usage. Parameters ---------- coords : array_like(Number, shape=(n, k)) Represents `n` data points of `k` dimensions in a Cartesian coordinate system. T : optional, array_like(Number, shape=(k+1, k+1)) Represents any kind of transformation matrix applied to the coordinates before index computation. leafsize : optional, positive int Leaf size of KD-Tree. quickbuild : optional, bool Indicates whether or not the spatial index shall be optimized for quick building (True) or quick spatial queries (False). copy : optional, bool Indicates whether or not to copy the coordinate array. Attributes ---------- dim : positive int Number of coordinate dimensions `k`. t : np.matrix(Number, shape=(k+1, k+1)) Transformation matrix. coords : np.ndarray(Number, shape=(n, k)) Coordinates of the spatial index. kd_tree : `scipy.spatial.cKDTree` KD-tree for rapid neighbourhood queries. Generated on first demand. r_tree : `rtree.Rtree` R-tree for rapid box queries. Generated on first demand. Notes ----- Most spatial index operations are time critical. So it is usually avoided to check each input parameter in detail. Examples -------- Create a simple spatial index. >>> coords = np.indices((5, 10)).reshape((2, 50)).T >>> indexKD = IndexKD(coords) >>> len(indexKD) 50 >>> indexKD.dim 2 Query points within a sphere. >>> nids = indexKD.ball([0, 0], 1.1) >>> print_rounded(nids) [ 0 1 10] >>> print_rounded(indexKD.coords[nids, :]) [[0 0] [0 1] [1 0]] Scale the coordinates using a transformation matrix to enable queries in the shape of an ellipsoid. >>> T = [(0.5, 0, 0), (0, 0.8, 0), (0, 0, 1)] >>> indexKD = IndexKD(coords, T) >>> nids = indexKD.ball([0, 0], 1.1) >>> print_rounded(nids) [ 0 1 20 10 11] >>> print_rounded(indexKD.coords[nids, :]) [[ 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0.8] [ 1. 0. ] [ 0.5 0. ] [ 0.5 0.8]] """ def __init__( self, coords, T=None, leafsize=16, quickbuild=True, copy=True): if copy: coords = assertion.ensure_coords(coords).copy() else: coords = assertion.ensure_coords(coords) if not isinstance(leafsize, int) and leafsize > 0: raise ValueError('"leafsize" needs to be an iteger greater zero') if not isinstance(quickbuild, bool): raise ValueError('"quickbuild" needs to be boolean') self._leafsize = leafsize self._balanced = not quickbuild self._compact = not quickbuild if T is None: self._coords = coords self._t = transformation.i_matrix(self._coords.shape[1]) else: self._t = assertion.ensure_tmatrix(T) self._coords = transformation.transform(coords, self._t) def __len__(self): """Number of points of the spatial index. Returns ------- positive int Number of points. """ return self.coords.shape[0] def __iter__(self): """Iterates over the points of the spatial index. Yields ------ np.ndarray(Number, shape=(self.dim)) point. """ return enumerate(self.coords) def _get_bulk(self, coords, bulk): """Internal function to get a bulk of coordinates. Parameters ---------- coords : iterable of array_like(Number, shape=(k)) Coordinates of at least `self.dim` dimensions. bulk : positive int Size of bulk. Yields ------ array_like(Number, shape=(self.dim)) """ dim = self.dim try: for i in range(bulk): yield next(coords)[:dim] except StopIteration: pass @property def dim(self): return self.coords.shape[1] @property def coords(self): return self._coords @property def t(self): return self._t @property def kd_tree(self): if not hasattr(self, '_kd_tree'): self._kd_tree = cKDTree( self.coords, leafsize=self._leafsize, copy_data=False, balanced_tree=self._balanced, compact_nodes=self._compact ) return self._kd_tree @property def r_tree(self): if not hasattr(self, '_r_tree'): # define properties p = r_treeIndex.Property() p.dimension = self.dim() p.variant = r_treeIndex.RT_Star index = np.concatenate((range(self.dim()), range(self.dim()))) # Generator provides required point format def gen(): for id, coord in self: yield (id, coord[index], id) self._r_tree = Rtree(gen(), properties=p) return self._r_tree
[docs] def ball(self, coords, r, bulk=100000, **kwargs): """Finds all points within distance `r` of point or points `coords`. Parameters ---------- coords : array_like(Number, shape=(n, k)) Represents `n` data points of `k` dimensions. r : positive float Radius of ball. bulk : optional, positive int Reduces required memory by performing bulk queries. \*\*kwargs : optional Additional parameters passed to `scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query_ball_point` Returns ------- nIds: list or array of lists If coords is a single point, this returns a list of neighbours. If coords is a list of points, this returns a list containing the lists of neighbours. Examples -------- >>> coords = np.indices((5, 10)).reshape((2, 50)).T >>> indexKD = IndexKD(coords) >>> indexKD.ball((0, 0), 1) [0, 1, 10] >>> indexKD.ball(np.array([(0, 0), (1, 1)]), 1) [[0, 1, 10], [1, 10, 11, 12, 21]] """ if assertion.iscoord(coords): # single point return self.kd_tree.query_ball_point( coords[:self.dim], r, **kwargs) elif hasattr(r, '__iter__'): # query multiple radii return list(self.balls_iter(coords, r, **kwargs)) else: # bulk queries return list(self.ball_iter(coords, r, bulk=bulk, **kwargs))
[docs] def ball_iter(self, coords, r, bulk=10000, **kwargs): """Similar to `ball`, but yields lists of neighbours. Yields ------ nIds : list of int Lists of indices of neighbouring points. See Also -------- ball, balls_iter """ if not isinstance(bulk, int) and bulk > 0: raise ValueError("bulk size has to be an integer greater zero") coords = iter(coords) while True: # bulk query bulk_coords = np.array(list(self._get_bulk(coords, bulk))) if len(bulk_coords) == 0: break nIds = self.kd_tree.query_ball_point( bulk_coords, r, n_jobs=-1, **kwargs) for nId in nIds: yield nId
[docs] def balls_iter(self, coords, radii, **kwargs): """Similar to `ball_iter`, but with differing radii. Parameters ---------- radii: iterable of float Radii to query. Yields ------ nIds : list Lists of indices of neighbouring points. See Also -------- ball, ball_iter """ for coord, r in zip(coords, radii): nIds = self.kd_tree.query_ball_point(coord[:self.dim], r, **kwargs) yield nIds
[docs] def ball_count(self, r, coords=None, **kwargs): """Counts numbers of neighbours within radius. Parameters ---------- r : float or iterable of float Iterable radii to query. coords : optional, array_like(Number, shape=(n, k)) or iterable Represents `n` points of `k` dimensions. If none, it is set to `self.coords`. \*\*kwargs : optional Additional parameters passed to `scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query_ball_point` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray(int, shape=(n)) Number of neigbours for each point. See Also -------- ball_count_iter, ball Examples -------- >>> coords = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (1, 0.5), (0.5, 1)] >>> indexKD = IndexKD(coords) >>> counts = indexKD.ball_count(1) >>> print_rounded(counts) [2 4 5 2 3 4] >>> counts = indexKD.ball_count(1, coords=[0.5, 0.5]) >>> print_rounded(counts) 5 """ if coords is None: coords = self.coords if assertion.iscoord(coords): return len(self.ball(coords, r, **kwargs)) else: gen = self.ball_count_iter(r, coords=coords, **kwargs) return np.array(list(gen), dtype=int)
[docs] def ball_count_iter(self, r, coords=None, **kwargs): """Counts numbers of neighbours within radius. Parameters ---------- r : float or iterable of float Iterable radii to query. coords : optional, array_like(Number, shape=(n, k)) or iterable Represents `n` points of `k` dimensions. If none, it is set to `self.coords`. \*\*kwargs : optional Additional parameters passed to `scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query_ball_point` Yields ------ int Number of neigbours for each point. See Also -------- ball_iter, balls_iter """ if coords is None: coords = self.coords if hasattr(r, '__iter__'): nIdsGen = self.balls_iter(coords, r, **kwargs) else: nIdsGen = self.ball_iter(coords, r, **kwargs) return map(len, nIdsGen)
[docs] def sphere(self, coord, r_min, r_max, **kwargs): """Counts numbers of neighbours within radius. Parameters ---------- r_min : float Inner radius of the sphere. r_max : float Outer radius of the sphere. coord : array_like(Number, shape=(k)) Center of sphere. \*\*kwargs : optional Additional parameters passed to `scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query_ball_point` Returns ------- list of int Indices of points within sphere. Examples -------- >>> coords = np.indices((5, 10)).reshape((2, 50)).T >>> indexKD = IndexKD(coords) >>> print_rounded(indexKD.ball((3, 3), 1)) [32 34 33 43 23] >>> print_rounded(indexKD.ball((3, 3), 1.5)) [22 42 32 34 33 43 44 23 24] >>> print_rounded(indexKD.sphere((3, 3), 1, 1.5)) [23 32 33 34 43] """ if not isinstance(r_min, Number) and r_min > 0: raise ValueError("r_min has to be numeric and greater zero") if not isinstance(r_max, Number) and r_max > r_min: raise ValueError("r_max has to be numeric and greater 'r_min'") inner = self.ball(coord[:self.dim], r_min, **kwargs) outer = self.ball(coord[:self.dim], r_max, **kwargs) return np.intersect1d(outer, inner)
[docs] def knn(self, coords, k=1, bulk=100000, **kwargs): """Query for `k` nearest neighbours. Parameters ---------- coords : array_like(Number, shape=(n, k)) Represents `n` points of `k` dimensions. k : optional, positive int Number of nearest neighbours to return. \*\*kwargs : optional Additional parameters passed to `scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query_ball_point` Returns ------- dists : np.ndarray(Number, shape=(n, k)) Distances to nearest neighbours. indices : np.ndarray(int, shape=(n, k)) Indices of nearest neighbours. Examples -------- >>> coords = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (1, 0.5), (0.5, 1)] >>> indexKD = IndexKD(coords) >>> dists, nids = indexKD.knn((0.5, 1), 2) >>> print_rounded(dists) [ 0. 0.5] >>> print_rounded(nids) [5 2] >>> dists, nids = indexKD.knn([(0.5, 1), (1.5, 1)], 2) >>> print_rounded(dists) [[ 0. 0.5] [ 0.5 0.5]] >>> print_rounded(nids) [[5 2] [3 2]] >>> dists, nids = indexKD.knn([(0.5, 1), (1.5, 1), (1, 1)], [3, 1, 2]) >>> print(dists) (array([ 0. , 0.5, 0.5]), array([ 0.5]), array([ 0. , 0.5])) >>> print(nids) (array([5, 1, 2]), array([2]), array([2, 4])) See Also -------- knn, knns_iter, scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query """ if assertion.iscoord(coords): # single point query dists, nIds = self.kd_tree.query(coords[:self.dim], k, **kwargs) elif hasattr(k, '__iter__'): # query multiple radii dists, nIds = zip(*self.knns_iter(coords, ks=k, **kwargs)) else: # bulk queries dists, nIds = zip(*self.knn_iter(coords, k=k, bulk=bulk, **kwargs)) dists = np.array(dists) nIds = np.array(nIds) return dists, nIds
[docs] def knn_iter(self, coords, k=1, bulk=100000, **kwargs): """Similar to `knn`, but yields lists of neighbours. Yields ------- dists : np.ndarray(Number, shape=(k)) List of distances to nearest neighbours. indices : np.ndarray(int, shape=(k)) List of ??? and corresponding point indices. See Also -------- knn, knns_iter """ if not isinstance(bulk, int) and bulk > 0: raise ValueError("bulk size has to be an integer greater zero") coords = iter(coords) while True: bulk_coords = list(self._get_bulk(coords, bulk)) if len(bulk_coords) == 0: break dists_list, nIds_list = self.kd_tree.query( bulk_coords, k=k, **kwargs) for dists, nIds in zip(dists_list, nIds_list): yield dists, nIds
[docs] def knns_iter(self, coords, ks, **kwargs): """Similar to `knn`, but yields lists of neighbours. Parameters ---------- ks : iterable of int Iterable numbers of neighbours to query. Yields ------- dists : np.ndarray(Number, shape=(k)) List of distances to nearest neighbours. indices : np.ndarray(int, shape=(k)) List of ??? and corresponding point indices. See Also -------- knn, knn_iter """ for coord, k in zip(coords, ks): dists, nIds = self.kd_tree.query(coord[:self.dim], k=k, **kwargs) if k == 1: dists = np.array([dists]) nIds = np.array([nIds]) yield dists, nIds
@property def nn(self): """Provides the nearest neighbours for each point. Returns ------- distances : np.ndarray(Number, shape=(n)) Distances to each nearest neighbour. indices : np.ndarray(int, shape=(n)) Indices of nearest neighbours. """ if not hasattr(self, '_NN'): dists, ids = self.knn(self.coords, k=2, p=2) self._NN = dists[:, 1], ids[:, 1] return self._NN
[docs] def closest(self, ids, **kwargs): """Provides nearest neighbour of a point. Parameters ---------- ids : int or array_like(int, shape=(m)) Index of point or indices of points in `self.coords`. \*\*kwargs : optional Additional parameters similar to `scipy.spatial.cKDTree.query`. Returns: -------- distances : np.ndarray(Number, shape=(n)) Distance to closest point. indices : np.ndarray(int, shape=(n)) Index of closest point. See Also -------- knn Examples -------- >>> coords = np.indices((5, 10)).reshape((2, 50)).T >>> indexKD = IndexKD(coords) >>> indexKD.closest(3) (1.0, 4) >>> print_rounded(indexKD.closest([0, 2, 5, 3])[1]) [1 1 6 4] """ dists, nIds = self.knn(self.coords[ids, :], k=2, **kwargs) if hasattr(ids, '__len__'): return dists[:, 1], nIds[:, 1] else: return dists[1], nIds[1]
[docs] def cube(self, coords, r, **kwargs): """Provides points within a cube. Notes ----- Wrapper for `self.ball` with `p=np.inf`. See Also -------- ball """ return self.ball(coords, r, p=np.inf, **kwargs)
[docs] def box(self, extent): """Selects points within a given extent. Parameters ---------- extent : array_like(Number, shape=(2 * self.dim)) Specifies the points to return. A point p is returned, if `np.all(p <= extent[0: dim])` and `np.all(p >= extent[dim+1: 2*dim])` Returns ------- list of int Indices of points within the extent. See Also -------- ball, cube, slice """ return self.r_tree.intersection(extent, objects='raw')
[docs] def box_count(self, extent): """Counts all points within a given extent. Parameters ---------- extent : array_like(Number, shape=(2*self.dim)) Specifies the points to return. A point p is returned, if p <= extent[0:dim] and p >= extent[dim+1:2*dim] Returns ------- list of int Number of points within the extent. See Also -------- box """ return self.r_tree.count(extent)
[docs] def slice(self, min_th=-np.inf, max_th=np.inf, axis=-1): """Selects points with coordinate value of axis `axis` within the range of [`min_th`, `max_th`]. Parameters ---------- min_th,max_th : Number A point `p` is returned if `min_th <= p[axis] <= max_th`. axis : int Axis to evaluate. Returns ------- list of int Indices of points within the slice. See Also -------- box, cube, slice """ if not isinstance(min_th, Number) and min_th > 0: raise ValueError("'min_th' has to be numeric and greater zero") if not isinstance(max_th, Number) and max_th > min_th: raise ValueError("'max_th' has to be numeric and greater 'min_th'") if not isinstance(axis, int) and abs(axis) < self.dim: raise ValueError("'axis' has to be an integer and smaller 'dim'") values = self.coords[:, axis] order = np.argsort(values) iMin = bisect.bisect_left(values[order], min_th) - 1 iMax = bisect.bisect_left(values[order], max_th) # keep original order (for performance reasons of later operations) ids = np.sort(order[iMin:iMax]) return ids