Source code for pyoints.filters

# This file is part of Pyoints.
# Copyright (c) 2018, Sebastian Lamprecht, Trier University,
# Pyoints is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Pyoints is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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"""Point filters.

import numpy as np
from numbers import Number

from . import (

from .misc import print_rounded

[docs]def extrema(indexKD, attributes, r, inverse=False): """Finds local maxima or minima of given point set. Parameters ---------- indexKD : IndexKD Spatial index of `n` points to filter. attributes : array_like(Number, shape=(n)) Attributes to search for extrema. If none, the last coordinate dimension is used as the attribute. r : positive Number Maximum distance between two points to be considered as neighbours. inverse : optional, bool Indicates if local maxima (False) or local minima (True) shall be yielded. Yields ------ positive int Indices of local maxima or minima. Examples -------- Find local maxima. >>> indexKD = IndexKD([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0.5, 0.5) ]) >>> attributes = [2, 0.1, 1, 0, 0.5] >>> fIds = list(extrema(indexKD, attributes, 1.1)) >>> print_rounded(fIds) [0 2] Find local minima. >>> fIds = list(extrema(indexKD, attributes, 1.1, inverse=True)) >>> print_rounded(fIds) [3 1] >>> fIds = list(extrema(indexKD, attributes, 1.5, inverse=True)) >>> print_rounded(fIds) [3] """ # type validation if not isinstance(indexKD, IndexKD): raise TypeError("'indexKD' needs to be an instance of 'IndexKD'") if not (assertion.isnumeric(r) and r > 0): raise ValueError("'r' needs to be a number greater zero") attributes = assertion.ensure_numvector(attributes, length=len(indexKD)) if not inverse: attributes = -attributes coords = indexKD.coords order = np.argsort(attributes) not_classified = np.ones(len(order), dtype=np.bool) # define filter function def check(pId, nIds): value = attributes[pId] for nId in nIds: if attributes[nId] < value: return False return True # filtering for pId in order: if not_classified[pId]: nIds = indexKD.ball(coords[pId, :], r) not_classified[nIds] = False if check(pId, nIds): yield pId
[docs]def min_filter(indexKD, attributes, r, inverse=False): """Finds minima or maxima within a specified radius for all points. For each point the neighbouring point with extreme attribute is marked. Parameters ---------- indexKD : IndexKD Spatial index of `n` points to filter. attributes : array_like(Number, shape=(n)) Attributes to search for extrema. If none, the last coordinate dimension is used as the attribute. r : positive Number Local radius to search for a minimum. inverse : optional, bool Indicates if minima (False) or maxima (True) shall be identfied. Returns ------- np.ndarray(int, shape=(n)) Filtered point indices. """ # type validation if not isinstance(indexKD, IndexKD): raise TypeError("'indexKD' needs to be of type 'IndexKD'") if not (assertion.isnumeric(r) and r > 0): raise ValueError("'r' needs to be a number greater zero") attributes = assertion.ensure_numvector(attributes, length=len(indexKD)) if inverse: attributes = -attributes # filtering ballIter = indexKD.ball_iter(indexKD.coords, r, bulk=1000) mask = np.zeros(len(indexKD), dtype=bool) for nIds in ballIter: nId = nIds[np.argmin(attributes[nIds])] mask[nId] = True return mask.nonzero()
[docs]def has_neighbour(indexKD, r): """Filters points which have neighbours within a specific radius. Parameters ---------- indexKD : IndexKD Spatial index of `n` points to filter. r : positive Number Maximum distance of a point to a neighbouring point to be still considered as isolated. Yields ------ positive int Index of a point with at least one neighbouring point with radius `r`. See also -------- is_isolated Examples -------- >>> coords = [(0, 0), (0.5, 0.5), (0, 1), (0.7, 0.5), (-1, -1)] >>> indexKD = IndexKD(coords) >>> print_rounded(list(has_neighbour(indexKD, 0.7))) [1 3] """ if not isinstance(indexKD, IndexKD): raise TypeError("'indexKD' needs to be of type 'IndexKD'") if not (assertion.isnumeric(r) and r > 0): raise ValueError("'r' needs to be a number greater zero") not_classified = np.ones(len(indexKD), dtype=np.bool) for pId, coord in enumerate(indexKD.coords): if not_classified[pId]: nIds = indexKD.ball(coord, r) if len(nIds) > 1: not_classified[nIds] = False yield pId else: yield pId
[docs]def is_isolated(indexKD, r): """Filters points which have no neighbours within a specific radius. Parameters ---------- indexKD : IndexKD Spatial index of `n` points to filter. r : positive Number Maximum distance of a point to a neighbouring point to be still considered as isolated. Yields ------ positive int Index of an isolated point with no neighbouring point within radius `r`. See Also -------- has_neighbour Examples -------- >>> coords = [(0, 0), (0.5, 0.5), (0, 1), (0.7, 0.5), (-1, -1)] >>> indexKD = IndexKD(coords) >>> print_rounded(list(is_isolated(indexKD, 0.7))) [0 2 4] """ if not isinstance(indexKD, IndexKD): raise TypeError("'indexKD' needs to be of type 'IndexKD'") if not (assertion.isnumeric(r) and r > 0): raise ValueError("'r' needs to be a number greater zero") not_classified = np.ones(len(indexKD), dtype=np.bool) for pId, coord in enumerate(indexKD.coords): if not_classified[pId]: nIds = indexKD.ball(coord, r) if len(nIds) > 1: not_classified[nIds] = False else: yield pId
[docs]def ball(indexKD, r, order=None, inverse=False, axis=-1, min_pts=1): """Filters coordinates by radius. This algorithm is suitable to remove duplicate points or to get an almost uniform point density. Parameters ---------- indexKD : IndexKD IndexKD containing `n` points to filter. r : positive float or array_like(float, shape=(n)) Ball radius or radii to select neighbouring points. order : optional, array_like(int, shape=(m)) Order to proceed. If m < n, only a subset of points is investigated. If none, ordered by `axis`. axis : optional, int Coordinate axis to use to generate the order. inverse : bool Indicates whether or not the `order` is inversed. min_pts : optional, int Specifies how many neighbouring points within radius `r` shall be required to yield a filtered point. This parameter can be used to filter noisy point sets. Yields ------ positive int Indices of the filtered points. Notes ----- Within a dense point cloud, the filter guarantees the distance of neighboured points in a range of `]r, 2*r[`. """ # validation if not isinstance(indexKD, IndexKD): raise TypeError("'indexKD' needs to be an instance of 'IndexKD'") coords = indexKD.coords if order is None: order = np.argsort(coords[:, axis])[::-1] order = assertion.ensure_indices(order, max_value=len(indexKD) - 1) if inverse: order = order[::-1] if not hasattr(r, '__len__'): r = np.repeat(r, len(indexKD)) r = assertion.ensure_numvector(r) if not np.all(r) > 0: raise ValueError("radius greater zero required") # filtering not_classified = np.ones(len(indexKD), dtype=np.bool) for pId in order: if not_classified[pId]: nIds = indexKD.ball(coords[pId, :], r[pId]) if len(nIds) >= min_pts: not_classified[nIds] = False yield pId
[docs]def in_convex_hull(hull_coords, coords): """Decides whether or not points are within a convex hull. Parameters ---------- hull_coords : array_like(Number, shape=(m, k)) Represents `m` hull points of `k` dimensions. coords : array_like(Number, shape=(n, k)) Represents `n` data points to check whether or not they are located within the convex hull. Returns ------- array_like(bool, shape=(n)) Indicates whether or not the points are located within the convex hull. Examples -------- >>> hull = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 2)] >>> coords = [(0, 0), (0.5, 0.5), (0, 1), (0.7, 0.5), (-1, -1)] >>> print(in_convex_hull(hull, coords)) [ True True False True False] """ hull_coords = assertion.ensure_coords(hull_coords) coords = assertion.ensure_coords(coords) interpolator = interpolate.LinearInterpolator( hull_coords, np.zeros(hull_coords.shape[0]) ) return ~np.isnan(interpolator(coords))
[docs]def surface(indexKD, r, order=None, inverse=False, axis=-1): """Filters points associated with a surface. Parameters ---------- indexKD : IndexKD IndexKD containing `n` points to filter. r : positive float or array_like(float, shape=(n)) Ball radius or radii to apply. order : optional, array_like(int, shape=(m)) Order to proceed. If m < n, only a subset of points is investigated. inverse : optional, bool Indicates whether or not to inverse the order. axis : optional, int Axis to use for generating the order. Yields ------ positive int Indices of the filtered points. """ if not isinstance(indexKD, IndexKD): raise TypeError("'indexKD' needs to be of type 'IndexKD'") if not (assertion.isnumeric(r) and r > 0): raise ValueError("'r' needs to be a number greater zero") coords = indexKD.coords if order is None: order = np.argsort(coords[:, axis])[::-1] else: order = assertion.ensure_indices(order, max_value=len(coords) - 1) if inverse: order = order[::-1] inverseOrder = np.argsort(order) not_classified = np.zeros(len(indexKD), dtype=np.bool) not_classified[order] = True for pId in order: if not_classified[pId]: nIds = np.array(indexKD.ball(coords[pId, :], r)) not_classified[nIds] = False yield nIds[np.argmin(inverseOrder[nIds])]
[docs]def dem_filter(coords, r, max_angle=70): """Selects points suitable for generating a digital elevation model. Parameters ---------- coords : array_like(Number, shape=(n, k)) Represents `n` points of `k` dimensions to filter. r : Number or array_like(Number, shape=(n)) Radius or radii to apply. max_angle : Number Maximum allowed slope of a simplex. Returns ------- array_like(int, shape=(m)) Desired indices of points suitable for generating a surface model. Notes ----- Applies a `k-1` dimensional `ball` filter to identify a digital elevation model. The point order is defined by the last coordinate dimension. The filtering radius `r` is defined by the user. To optimize the quality of the dem, all points with less than 5 neighbours within radius `2 * r` are removed from further analysis. In addition a TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) is generated to model the surface. Each facet with a slope larger than `max_angle` is removed iteratively. See Also -------- radial_dem_filter, ball """ coords = assertion.ensure_coords(coords, min_dim=3) order = np.argsort(coords[:, -1]) if not hasattr(r, '__getitem__'): r = np.repeat(r, len(order)) r = assertion.ensure_numvector(r) if not (isinstance(max_angle, Number) and max_angle > 0): raise ValueError("'max_angle' needs to be a number greater zero") # filter ball_gen = ball(IndexKD(coords[:, :-1]), r, order=order) fIds = np.array(list(ball_gen), dtype=int) # ensure neighbours count = IndexKD(coords[fIds, :]).ball_count(2 * r[fIds]) fIds = fIds[count >= 6] # subsequent filtering of the simplices while True: old_len = len(fIds) fcoords = coords[fIds, :] dem = interpolate.LinearInterpolator(fcoords[:, :-1], fcoords[:, -1]) # check principal component of the simplices mask = np.ones(len(fIds), dtype=bool) for simplex_indices in dem.delaunay.simplices: simplex = fcoords[simplex_indices, :] eig_vec = transformation.eigen(simplex)[0][:, -1] angle = vector.zenith(eig_vec, deg=True) if angle > max_angle: idx = simplex_indices[np.argmax(simplex[:, -1])] mask[idx] = False fIds = fIds[mask] if old_len == len(fIds): break return fIds
[docs]def radial_dem_filter(coords, angle_res, center=None, max_angle=70): """Filters surface points based on distance to the center. The algorithm is designed to create digital elevation models of terrestrial laser scans. Terrestrial laser scans are characterized by decreasing point densities with increasing distance to the scanner position. Thus, the radius to identify neighbouring points is adjusted to the distance of the scanner. Parameters ---------- coords : array_like(Number, shape=(n, k)) Points to filter. angle_res : positive Number Filter resolution expressed as an angle. center : optional, array_like(Number, shape=(k)) Desired center. max_angle : Number Maximum allowed angle of a simplex. Returns ------- array_like(int, shape=(m)) Indices of filtered points. See Also -------- dem_filter """ coords = assertion.ensure_coords(coords, min_dim=3) if center is None: center = np.zeros(coords.shape[1], dtype=float) center = assertion.ensure_numvector(center, length=3) if not (assertion.isnumeric(angle_res) and angle_res > 0): raise ValueError('angle greater zero required') dist = distance.dist(center[:-1], coords[:, :-1]) radii = dist * np.sin(angle_res / 180.0 * np.pi) fIds = dem_filter(coords, radii, max_angle=max_angle) fIds = fIds[coords[fIds, -1] < center[-1]] return fIds